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Thursday, 20 September 2012

A Review - Tick Tock Cosmetics Halloween Collection 2012

House Keeping – all products below have been purchased with my own money and I am not in any way shape or form getting paid for this review. All opinions are my own!!!

Please Click on the photos to see an enlarged picture =)


Hello again Ya'll

So as you all would know the Halloween season is upon us and ya'll know what that means the Indy world is going mad getting all the seasonal collections out. A few days ago I got my Tick Tock Cosmetics (TTC) Halloween Collection luckly the weather has been kind and has been sunny (unlike right now as i am writing this the rain is pouring) this collection is one of the best TTC has put out!

This collection is avaiable now inthe TTC store and is selling for $25 USD for the 4 shadows and 1 lip gloss, However if your not interested in the collection as a whole the entire collection is avaiable for individual sale, the collection comes in 5 gram jars and are very pigmented and smooth to use, the Lip gloss contains 8 mLs of product.

I am also going to review 2 unreleased colours I recieved as samples.

The Collection arrived in a cute Halloween themed bag.

The shadows are as with all TTC colours Time related with a Halloween twist in my order i also got 2 samples of unreleased colours Sequal and Age of Dragons which I have also included in this post.

So onto the swatches I'll do the samples first shall we? OK so I have NO official TTC description so here we go

My Description - A sand/peach colour with a Lavender blue Duo-chrome

Age Of Dragons
My Description - A red/brown shade with a green duo-chrome (this shade reminds me of MAC Blue Brown Pigment but its better)

Andd now onto  the colour descriptions

Deadly Nightshade
Tick Tock Discription - Inspired by Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas, Deadly Nightshade is a bright violet base exploding with golden sparkle and shift
My Discription - A medium purple with gold glitter and a strong gold duo-chrome

Friday the 13th
Tick Tock Description -Friday the 13th is a bright medium coppery, golden orange with a fiery red shift and a splattering of color shifting green/gold sparkle
My Discription - A Golden Copper orange with gold sparkle and a gold shift

Witching Hour
Tick Tock Discription - A deep, blue leaning, forest green with slight blue shimmer and aqua/violet color shifting sparkle.
My Description - A forest green with blue glitter and a slight blue shift

Never Sleep Again
Tick Tock Description - Inspired by Nightmare on Elm Street, Never Sleep Again is a bright medium rose base that lights up with a green shift and rosy sparkle.
My Description - A Antique rose satin with a gold/green duo-chrome


Finally onto the Lip Gloss

Creatures of the Night
Tick Tock Description - Creatures of the Night is a gorgeous, opaque black with red and holographic sparkle! We've had trouble taking a photo that really does the sparkle in this justice, but it is absolutely gorgeous!
My Description - A Opaque Black with multi coloured sparkle.
I love this collection my favrouite shadow is Deadly Nightshade its a BEAUTIFUL purple and the duo-chrome makes it very versitile in looks I am also a fan of Never Sleep Again for the same reason. the Lip goss i found applied best ewith a lip brush for me personally the gloss isnt sticky and didnt dryout my lips, and so you can get an idea of how the colours look on the here is a look used all 4 of the eye shadows =)

Do you think you will buy this collection? Whats for favrouite colour?


Multi-media links - Tick Tock Cosmetics Facebook

Shipping -  World Wide Shipping

Credit Rating!

Product: 9 /10

Pigmentation: 9/10

Texture: 9/10

Longevity: 8/10

Application: 7/10

Packaging: 10/10

Final thoughts: The Shadows are very pigmented and very smooth to work with, the colours are complex and work harmoniously, the gloss IS best applied with a lip brush the TAT was well within the time frame international shipping fast, and all products are 100% cruelty free!

Overall Rating:  A


  1. That gloss looks amazing!!Beautiful, sparkly goodness :)

  2. love this collection! i think the gloss is my new fave lippy!!!
    great look!
    glad to find another T:TC lover!

    1. it is a very pretty collection all round one f my faves =)
