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Saturday, 20 April 2013

31 Day Challenge - Day 25 – Celeb inspired makeup

Hey Beautiful People

Day 25 – Celeb inspired makeup (Link HERE) <----- for the official list on my facebook page) I'm a Gleek, love Lea Michele's voice and LOVE GREEN so this look was full of win for me ;) I chose a simple lip with bold green ombre liner ;) I hope you enjoy this look below is a photo od Lea Michele that inspired this look <3

Feel free to share your own looks to my facebook wall Mad About Beauty or post the links below in the comments section <3

Who is your favourite Celeb?



What I Am Wearing

Stilla one step Corrector Primer
MAC Matchmaster shade 4
MAC Studio Finish Powder NW25
MAC Studio Finish Concealer NW25
MAC Studio Finish Concealer NW20 (under eyes ONLY)

Tick Tock Face Time Translucent Powder
Napoleon – The One Concealer
MAC Matte Bronzer (contour)
Too Faced Candlelight (highlight)
Madd Style Cosmtics - Cha Cha bronzer (as blush)

Urban Decay Primer Potion – Original
MAC Eye Shadow – ORB (highlight/brow bone)
Urban Decay Naked (lid)
Urban Decay - Buck (crease)
Rockeresque - Peppermint Gummybear (mixed with LIt cosmetics glitter base - inner 1/3 liner)
Sugarpill Absinthe - ((mixed with LIt cosmetics glitter base - 2/3 liner)
Sugarpill - Junebug - (mixed with LIt cosmetics glitter base - outter 3rd liner)
Urban decay 24/7 glide on pencil - perversion (water line)
Napoleon Brow pencil – Chocoholic
Random Mascara

Random Lip Balm
Urban Decay Lip Liner – Ozone
two lips gloss in Sun-Kissed

All Over Face
Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray

1 comment:

  1. The green liner is just stunning! I still need to work out how to manage to do that technique, it looks so cool.
    Also, I nominated you for a Versatile Blogger award =)
